Grid computing is simply means that the different things to different users. A grid is a collection of machines called as nodes, resources, or clients. Some resources may be used by all users of the grid, while some of them have certain restrictions. Thus grid computing can be defined as pervasive computing in which individual users gain access to computing resources as per their requirements with no information about the location of these resources and technologies hardware, operating system used. Therefore, grid computing can be defined as path of integrating various technologies as well as solutions. Although various kinds of resources on the grid may be shared and used, they are usually accessed by executing application or job. Jobs are programs that are executed at a specific point on the grid. In some cases these job are not executed in parallel due to some restrictions on them else they are executes in parallel. For example, some time some jobs require the output of another jobs. Initially grid computing is implemented internally for particular company or organization. However, nowadays, cross-organizational grids are also being implemented and are important part of business optimization and computing.
Benefits of grid computing:
Grid computing consists of open standards for Web services and interfaces that make services, or computing resources, available over the network.
There are many aspects to grid computing that are typically controlled by sophisticated software’s. These software ranges in capabilities as well as availability.
Grid computing takes the advantage of various computing resources in such a way which is not previously possible.
They can take advantage of underutilized resources to minimizing additional costs in business or organization.
Grid computing uses parallel processing in order to make many applications economically feasible and help in finishing them as soon as possible.
Grid computing makes more resources available to organizations which enhances resource balancing, reliability, and manageability.
The basic security components such as authentication, authorization, and confidentiality used to make data secured while processing within the grid.
Grid topologies:
There are three types of Grid topologies:Intragrid, extragrid and intergrid which are as shown below:
From fig. it is cleared that intragrid consist of basic set of services within a single organization only, extragrid is a combination of two or more intragrids and intergrids consist of dynamic integration of applications, resources, and services with patterns, customers and organizations.
This article is the topic of unit " Communication Technologies-II " from RTMNU MBA 3 rd sem IT syllabus notes.Further topics will be covered in upcoming blogs For more notes you can also refer to other links as given below: